Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Record Cold Spell

     In all 50 states including Hawaii, it was below freezing. Which for some like here in Georgia we celebrate in the snow but, schools, jobs and airline flights were canceled. People couldn't go to dinner and a movie, Vacations or the mall. Which means that if there jobs weren't closed then they had to go but if there was no way to work then they couldn't go anyway.  We cranked up the heat in our houses, and we turned up the heat at our jobs. Which at most places if they were open spent more on heat then they made the whole day. More than 2,600 flights were canceled in the US on Tuesday. Three Trains all going to Chicago were delayed overnight that's about 500 passengers How does this relate to the economy? It is estimated that $5 billion loss in the U.S. economy because of the amount of people that it affected (about 200 million).

      In my opinion the american people suffered greatly because of all the power outtages, death, pipes bursting, wrecks, house repairs, and spiked power and natural gas bills. Just the amount of pipes that bursted in pickens county was crazy. All the power trucks were deployed to fix every thing. All the insurance companys and p with ople paying out of pocket for their wrecks. I think it wont be affected that much but it will be affected.  because of all the  spikes in prices, and out west I can't imagine the amount of cattle that froze to death and died thats why beef is so high right now. While in Georgia we run inside at 45 degrees in Michigan there was temps. That could freeze human flesh  in 4 minitues which is absolutely insane.(136)In closing I hope this is the end of the below positive cold weather but I feel as if it is just the beginning.

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